ED. NOTE -- Recent editions of The BAWLI Papers have probed the career
records of Tiger Jack Fox and George Godfrey, a couple of outstanding
fighters from the past who never really came close to getting what they
deserved for their ring talents. This series now continues with Charley
Burley, a remarkable fighter from the 1930s and '40s who, despite fighting
one tough sonuvagun after another, and winning most of the time, never got 
a title shot. In fact, he only fought in New York City one time in a career
spanning nearly 100 fights. We are indebted to the  folk at the following

URL: All_Timers_Alpha.htm

for the Burley record. Take a look at it, and the murderous fighters that
Charley was up against on a regular basis -- all the while never once
getting stopped. There is a paucity of literature concerning the career of
Mr. Burley. If any of our readers have materials they would be willing to
share concerning this illustrious, now nearly forgotten career, we'd be
tickled pink to receive them and to include them in a forthcoming BAWLI.)

                                        CHARLEY BURLEY 

Born, Sept. 6, 1917 
Died, Oct. 16, 1992

Eddie Futch called Burley the greatest all-around fighter he ever saw which 
is covering quite a bit of ground. Although ranked as a top welterweight or 
middleweight for nearly a decade, he was always overlooked when it came 
time to passing out championship belts. The record against men like Soose, 
Zivic, Williams, Bivins, Marshall, Charles and Moore, though, speaks for 

RECORD: 84 victories, 50 by knockout, 11 losses, 2 draws, 1 no contest


Sept. 29 -- George Leggins, Pittsburgh KO4
Oct. 22 -- Ralph Gizzy, Pittsburgh W6
Nov. 9 -- Eddie Wirko, Pittsburgh KO5


Jan. 22 -- Ralph Gizzy, Oil City, Pa. KO2
Feb. 8 -- Ray Collins, Oil City KO5
Apr. 15 -- Johnny Folio, McKeesport KO5
Apr. 19 -- Ray Gray, Pittsburgh W6
May 3 -- Sammy Grippe, Pittsburgh W6
May 27 -- Keith Goodballet, Pittsburgh KO2
June 24 -- Mickey O'Brien, Pittsburgh W10
Aug. 9 -- Remo Fernandez, Pittsburgh KO7
Aug. 16 -- Sammy Grippe, Millvale, Pa. KO6
Sept. 9 -- Eddie Dolan, Pittsburgh L8


Jan. 27 -- Tiger Jackson, Pittsburgh KO2
Feb. 3 -- Johnny Folio, Pittsburgh W4
Feb. 10 -- Carl Turner, Pittsburgh W4
Mar. 3 -- Arthur Tate, Pittsburgh KO2
Mar. 21 -- Fritzie Zivic, Pittsburgh L10
June 1 -- Mike Barto, Millvale Pa KO4
June 13 -- Fritzie Zivic, Millvale W10
Aug. 2 -- Leon Zorrita, Millvale KO6
Aug. 22 -- Cocoa Kid, Millvale W15
Nov. 3 -- Werther Arcelli, Pittsburgh KO1
Nov. 21 -- Billy Soose, Pittsburgh W10


Jan. 10 -- Sonny Jones, Pittsburgh KO7
Jan. 20 -- Jimmy Leto, Millvale L10
July 17 -- Fritzie Zivic, Pittsburgh W10
Aug. 28 -- Jimmy Leto, Pittsburgh W10
Oct. 23 -- Mickey Makar, Pittsburgh KO1
Dec. 1 -- Holman Williams, New Orleans L15


Feb. 12 -- Nate Bolden, Pittsburgh W10
Apr. 12 -- Baby Kid Chocolate, New Orleans KO5
Apr. 26 -- Sammy Edwards, New Orleans KO2
June 17 -- Carl Dell, Holyoke W10
July 29 -- Georgie Abrams, Millvale D10
Aug. 19 -- Kenny LaSalle, Millvale W10
Sept. 3 -- Jimmy Bivins, Millvale L10
Oct. 18 -- Eddie Peirce, Pittsburgh W10
Nov. 11 -- Vincent Pimpinella, Washington W10


Mar. 31 -- Babe Synnott, Pittsburgh KO5
Apr. 18 -- Eddie Ellis, Boston KO5
June 2 -- Ossie Harris, Millvale KO9
July 14 -- Gene Buffalo, Philadelphia KO5
Aug. 25 -- Otto Blackwell, Millvale W8
Sept. 25 -- Antonio Fernandez, Philadelphia W10
Dec. 12 -- Ted Morrison, Minneapolis KO2
Dec. 23 -- Jerry Hayes, Eau Claire KO4


Jan. 9 -- Shorty Hogue, Minneapolis KO10
Jan. 23 -- Jackie Burke, Minneapolis KO5
Feb. 6 -- Milo Theodorescu, San Diego KO4
Feb. 13 -- Willard Hogue, San Diego KO6
Feb. 26 -- Holman Williams, Minneapolis W10
Mar. 13 -- J.D. Turner, Minneapolis KO6
Apr. 10 -- Cleo McNeal, Minneapolis KO5
Apr. 20 -- Phil McQuillan, New York KO1
Apr. 24 -- Joe Sutka, Chicago KO4
Apr. 30 -- Sonny Wilson, Minneapolis KO2
May 25 -- Ezzard Charles, Pittsburgh L10
June 23 -- Holman Williams, Cincinnati W10
June 29 -- Ezzard Charles, Pittsburgh L10
Aug. 14 -- Holman Williams, New Orleans KO9
Oct. 16 -- Holman Williams, New Orleans L15
Nov. 13 -- Cecilio Lozada, San Diego KO2
Dec. 13 -- Lloyd Marshall, Los Angeles L10


Feb. 3 -- Harvey Massey, Oakland KO9
Feb. 19 -- Jack Chase, Hollywood W10
Mar. 3 -- Aaron Wade, Oakland W10
Apr. 19 -- Cocoa Kid, New Orleans D10
May 14 -- Holman Williams, Hollywood NC10
June 26 -- Bobby Birch, San Diego W10


Mar. 3 -- Bobby Berger, San Diego KO5
Mar. 20 -- Aaron Wade, San Diego W10
Apr. 3 -- Jack Chase, Hollywood KO9
Apr. 21 -- Archie Moore, Hollywood W10
May 12 -- Al Gilbert, San Diego KO4
June 23 -- Frankie Nelson, Hollywood KO6
Aug. 28 -- Gene Buffalo, San Francisco KO5
Sept. 11 -- Jack Chase, San Francisco KO12


Mar. 12 -- Joe Carter, San Francisco W10
July 11 -- Holman Williams, Buffalo L12
July 26 -- Oscar Boyd, Pittsburgh KO2
Aug. 20 -- Aaron Wade, Pittsburgh W12
Sept. 4 -- Dave Clark, Cincinnati KO1
Sept. 18 -- Walter Duval, New Orleans KO4
Oct. 8 -- Billy Smith, San Francisco W10


Mar. 14 -- Charley Dotson, Pittsburgh KO3
Apr. 8 -- Paul Peters, San Francisco KO1
Apr. 24 -- Billy Smith, Oakland W10
July 16 -- Charley Banks, Pittsburgh W10
Aug. 5 -- Bert Lytell, Pittsburgh W10


Feb. 17 -- Bert Lytell, Baltimore L10
Aug. 8 -- Larry Cartwright, Huntington WVa KO7


Mar. 24 -- Battling Blackjack, Phoenix KO3


Apr. 3 -- Charlie Williams, New Orleans W10
July 25 -- Willie Wright, Pittsburgh W8


Feb. 2 -- Chuck Higgins, Pittsburgh KO1
Mar. 2 -- Buddy Hodnett, Pittsburgh KO7
July 22 -- Pilar Bastidas, Lima, Peru W10

                         HE BEAT SUGAR RAY ROBINSON TWICE 

(Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 22, 1997)

By Bill Kwon

Stan Harrington, who beat Sugar Ray Robinson twice in a 14-year boxing
career, died of cancer in St. Cloud, Fla., Sunday. He was 63.

"He was one of our great local boys in boxing," said Bobby Lee, an adviser
with the Hawaii State Boxing Commission. "At his time, he was one of the
saviors of boxing locally."

"He kept boxing alive here," said his long-time trainer, Tad Kawamura. "He
had fought every contender, every rated guy in his time. He had the most
fights of anyone in the state of Hawaii."

Harrington was the top draw in 1965 when he beat Robinson, the aging former
middleweight and welterweight champion of the world, twice at the Honolulu
International Center Arena.

Although Harrington never held the world title, he fought the best
middleweights of his time. Among his more than 60 professional bouts were
victories over Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, Jimmy Lester, Denny Moyer, Paddy
DeMarco, Virgil Akins and Gaspar Ortega.

Harrington lost to Emile Griffith, Don Fullmer and Hurricane Kid. But as in
many of his bouts, Harrington invariably won the rematch, beating Hurricane
Kid and Ortega twice after losing the first time. He also split with Joey
Miceli, winning a rematch.

The rugged Harrington, who was known for his punching prowess, had more than
100 fights as an amateur before turning professional in 1953. Growing up in
Palama, he was a standout football player for Farrington High School.

Of Irish, Hawaiian and English extraction, Harrington became a meal ticket
for the late Sad Sam Ichinose's Boxing Enterprises, which held promotions at
the old Civic Auditorium and then the new HIC, now known as Blaisdell
Center. Harrington sold out the old Civic on King Street numerous times,
including once with a one-punch knockout of Eddie Pace.

He had a face once described as being run over by an "HRT bus." But he never
suffered the after effects of boxing.

"He didn't talk much, but he remained the same all through his life," said
Kawamura, who talked to Harrington several days before he died. The fighter,
whose parents died when he was 8, called Kawamura, "my father."

Harrington never hung around to get punch drunk. He retired at age 34 in
March, 1967. He was diagnosed as having a heart condition. But it wasn't
that, according to Kawamura.

"It was just time to quit. He knew it."

And Harrington told Kawamura before he died that he knew it was time for
that, too, when doctors said the cancer in his body was inoperable.

Harrington, who had moved to Florida from San Francisco about 10 years ago,
is survived by his second wife, Diane, and their two children.


(San Diego Union-Tribune, Thursday, Nov. 17, 1994)

By Nick Canepa

Archie Moore, a genuine American work of art, is sitting in his own museum,
the billiard den in his Southeast San Diego home, enveloped in his own great
history, talking boxing, talking what he knows.

His body, which survived a triple bypass earlier this year, may not be what
it was, but the mind, unbent by 229 fights, is straight, his face unmarked.
His only scar is surgical -- on his chest -- and his wonderful eyes of age
sparkle and bubble like Dom Perignon as he stares off into the past.

The room is full of mementos, trophies and superb record albums and the
walls are lined with photographs and newspaper clippings, cheerful reminders
of a boxing career unlike any other. One clipping, a column by late Union
sports editor Jack Murphy, Archie's favorite newspaperman, covers Moore's
stunning, 11th-round knockout of Yvon Durelle, in Montreal, on Dec. 10,
1958, for the light heavyweight championship.

The Old Mongoose, as Murphy dubbed him  Archie never was The Young
Mongoose, was he? -- came back from a first-round knockdown to finally floor
the Canadian. And how old was he then  43, 46, 50? Who knew and who cared?
Archie wasn't a child, safe to say.

This is why I want to talk to Archie, who is either 78 or 81 now, not that
it matters. Because he wasn't through fighting after Durelle. His pro
career, which began in 1936, wouldn't end until '65, after he had recorded
10 more knockouts, running his astonishing KO world record to 141.

So, if anyone is capable of discussing 45-year-old George Foreman's knockout
of Michael Moorer, it's Archie. He not only knows what it takes to fight at
that age, but he knows George, having advised Foreman for many years.

"I think it's wonderful," Archie says. "I thought he would put up a good
fight, because George is a fighter from the heart and George is afraid of
nobody, being a Texas street fighter. But I wouldn't have bet he would have
won against this young man."

I am not among those who wonder if Foreman's short right to Moorer's chops
was enough to keep the former heavyweight champion on the floor. In fact, I
think it's ludicrous to think otherwise. So does Archie.

"I wasn't worried about the boy getting up," Archie says with a giggle.
"George hit him. George is one of the hardest-hitting heavyweights of all

With that, he tells me he considers Foreman one of the hardest punchers in
history, putting him up there with Jack Johnson, Joe Louis and Rocky

"George can punch," Archie says. "When you talk about punchers, these men
can knock your head off, can give you a concussion with one punch. Moorer
got nailed and, man, he was out.

"I've been hit hard. Marciano . . . every punch he hit you with spelled
curtains. No matter where he hit you, the arms, shoulders, anywhere, it
hurt. He finally hit me (in '55) and stopped me."

Archie recalls that, following Foreman's victory in the 1968 Olympics,
George came to his house.

"I wasn't here at the time, but he told my wife he wanted to work with me,"
he says. "I did. I sharpened him up sharpened his powers so he really
would be dangerous. I turned a tiger loose.

"George did a marvelous thing coming back. I'm glad to see him win the
title. It gives him great distinction to go along with his hitting powers.
He has contributed to boxing in a great way."

And that part of it is important to Archie Moore, because he also
contributed to the game. When he's reading off his list of great fighters 
the Johnsons, Alis, Louises and Robinsons he doesn't mention Archie

And yet, has the sweet science ever known anyone sweeter? A case can be made
for this man being the greatest fighter ever. Forget the pound-for-pound

He fought 229 fights over 30 years in four decades and won 194 of them. 
His knockout record of 141 will stand against any in the history of any 
sport. It never will be messed with. The last fighter he faced, Nap Mitchell, 
took his given name in the third round.

"I would call myself a clever boxer," Archie says. "I knew how to duck
punches and stop punches before they started."

He stops and almost seems embarrassed, then adds: "This is the first time
I've bragged on myself in some time.

"I was in love with boxing because it was what I could do and it wouldn't
hurt me, because I was so clever. My nose was never broken; the only thing I
ever broke was my hands, beating on guys."

Archie claims he decided in reform school that he wanted to be a fighter and
that he had to leave St. Louis. He was fortunate. His first manager, an auto
mechanic named Felix Thurman, took him away, to La Jolla.

His first fight, he says, was against a fellow named Four H. Posey, and he
fought him in a Poplar Bluff, Mo., club, before a group "of 150 white guys."
And he won a decision.

"I beat Four H. Posey to a faretheewell," he says, chuckling.

And 228 more times The Old Mongoose would venture into the ring, because it
was what he did, what he could do, what he loved.

"All I ever wanted to be was a professional prizefighter," Archie Moore

And so he was. So he was.